Get Started Now! Get a free Adwords evaluation now

Improve Your Results!

Have a Google Advertising Pro review your campaigns and website to see if your results could be improved.

Your report will include suggestions specific to your business on how you can get better results from AdWords.

Don't have time? We'll include a proposal to professionally optimize and manage your account for you.

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Investment Costs

We offer options for almost any sized budget.

Have you ever bought a "one size fits all" sweatshirt? While it covered your torso, I bet it didn't fit very well. One-size-fits-all has its place and uses, but for creating a well tuned, highly efficient marketing campaign it leaves a lot to be desired.

While we can offer some general investment cost guildlines, our marketing campaigns are designed around your business's unique needs, structure, customer patterns, competitors, and much more. We recommend requesting a free AdWords marketing evaluation for an accurate representation of what it will take to make your business an AdWords success.

Investment Cost Overview

The general investment costs involved in any successful AdWords campaign revolve around the following:

  • Advertising investment costs - the funds paid to the advertiser, in this case Google, for running your advertisement campaign.

  • Marketer investment costs - the funds paid to a qualified marketing team to develop, deploy, monitor and update your ongoing marketing campaign with the advertiser(s).

Investment in YourAdWordsPros

Should you choose to have YourAdWordsPros develop your marketing campaign, investment costs you may experience a one-time account setup cost and if you choose to have us manage your account over the long term, a reasonable monthly service charge. Overall our results can easily pay for themselves with dividends in the higher sales and resulting profits.

  • One-time account setup charges can be as little a $250.00 to $5,000.00+, depending on the size, scope and complexity of your chosen advertising campaign specifications. Some clients like to start small and work their way up, and others prefer to dive straight into the deep end. You choose.

  • Ongoing camapaign management investment, should you choose to have us do so, would be calculated as a small percentage of your total advertising budget and requires no long-term contracts, allowing you to cancel with minimal notice.

Get Started Today

Contact us with any questions you may have, or better yet get a free AdWords marketing evaluation.