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Improve Your Results!

Have a Google Advertising Pro review your campaigns and website to see if your results could be improved.

Your report will include suggestions specific to your business on how you can get better results from AdWords.

Don't have time? We'll include a proposal to professionally optimize and manage your account for you.

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For the purpose of providing you a better understanding the terminology used within this website and the marketing proposals that we may present you with, we hope you find these definitions helpful.

Advertisements - Text, graphic, multi-media representations of an offer that you wish to convey to prospective customers searching for products/services that you offer.

Advertisement Analysis/Optimization - The ongoing process of analyzing advertisements used to drive traffic to your website for the purpose of determining the value of those advertisements to your marketing campaign. Advertisement Analysis/Optimization allows your Adwords professional to constantly improve your marketing campaign by removing advertisements which have little or no value to your campaign or promote more vigorously those advertisements which are proving to be of value to your campaign.

Cost-Per-Click- Also known as "CPC". The monitary charge value placed by Google on each selection of your advertisement by a prospective customer of your products or services. Cost-Per-Click is determined by many variables and can usually be lowered by a qualified Adwords professional. Our professionals can work with you to ensure that you are paying the lowest possible amount per customer click of your advertisements.

Custom Link - When developing a targeted marketing campaign our marketing professional must use the best tools available drive and track the traffic being sent to your web pages. To do so they must employ special programming techniques which will often change the URL (Uniform Resource Locator or website address) to an illegible set of characters which are difficult or impossible to memorize.

In order to correct this problem our professional create new links for your web pages and assoicate those new links with the long illegible links so that anyone entering the new links will have access to the information they were searching for while still allowing our professionals to track your traffic source with the longer illegible links.


can become:

Keyword Review - The process of building and reviewing a list of words or phrases that are specific to your website's content, theme and purpose which website visitors may use to search services or products.

Keyword Analysis/Optimization - The ongoing process of analyzing keywords or phrases used to drive traffic to your website for the purpose of determining the value of those keywords/phrases to your marketing campaign. Keyword Analysis allows your Adwords professional to constantly improve your marketing campaign by removing keywords/phrases which have little or no value to your campaign or promote more vigorously those keywords/phrases which are proving to be of value to your campaign.

Landing Pages - The web page that your customers will be sent to once they have clicked one of your Google Adwords advertisements. Landing pages are an integral part of any well designed Adwords marketing campaign.

Landing Page Analysis/Optimization - The ongoing process of analyzing landing pages used to drive traffic to your website for the purpose of determining the value of those landing pages to your marketing campaign. Landing Page Analysis/Optimization allows your Adwords professional to constantly improve your marketing campaign by removing/editing landing pages which have little or no value to your campaign or promote more vigorously those keywords/phrases which are proving to be of value to your campaign.

Multi-Variant Testing - Side-by-side comparison testing of marketing material intended to determine the efficacy of each and to determine which offer(s) is/are performing better than the rest. Used to ensure that your advertisements and marketing material is producing at the highest possible level at all times.

Order Tracking - The process of configuring your individual web pages with special programming code for the purpose of tracking the source of traffic to that particular website page and orders for your products or services which are registered from that website page.

Quality Score - The term used by Google to relate the rank they have given your Adwords advertisements and corresponding landing pages in relation to the the keywords/phrases you are marketing. The rank points awarded are from 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest. The higher the quality score that Google ranks your advertisements with the lower the cost-per-click that Google will charge for this keyword or phrase and the higher your advertisement will be ranked in relation to your competitors.

Quality score is used to express the relavency of your advertisements to the corresponding landing page that your visitors will be sent to once they have clicked your advertisement. Google rewards highly relavent advertisement/landing page combinations with higher quality scores, and therefore lower cost-per-click pricing and higher listings.